Friday, July 16, 2010

Auteur-ing this blog. defines an auteur as "a filmmaker whose individual style and complete control over all elements of production give a film its personal and unique stamp." only offers David Bowie when you search for the definition of an auteur. If you ask me, being an auteur is having the courage to execute your vision the the best of your ability with conviction, and not apologizing for the aesthetic you set forth. Looking at auteurship in this way, (if auteurship can be counted as an actual word) not only just filmmakers can be auteurs, they can be people like me and you, living out our vision of life each day. 

So since we all have the potential to be auteurs, I'd like to point all of you artists or media makers to the Art House Co-Op website, where I came across an interesting opportunity for ordinary folk to have their art work presented in galleries and museums across the country before settling down at the Brooklyn Art Library. The project is called the Sketch Book Project. When you decide to participate, you must purchase a sketchbook for $25 that they will send to you, and choose a theme from their list for your sketchbook. You then draw in the sketchbook until it's time to send it back. When this time comes, they will attach a barcode to your sketchbook and every time it is viewed in one of the galleries or museums, it is recorded so that you can keep tabs on your work and see how many times it is viewed. Pretty awesome for those of us who aren't a Picasso, or those who just want to take part in something bigger than just ourselves. You can even have your drawings digitized (for an additional fee) so that you can show off your work right from home computer. I'm excited to try this, I hope you are too!! 

sketch book project

I hope you enjoyed reading, and also the music of David Bowie. Because he's catchy, after all.